Dazed & Confused

(How the heart never listens!) DISCLAIMER: This post is not in any way related to the movie of the same name. Also, pardon the weirdly spaced out lines, not my fault. As if Life wasn't difficult enough... Life is complete with problems and challenges every day. But it's a new kind of difficult when you suddenly realize that you are falling in love or the percentage of your brain mass which was allotted to your “crush” is now demanding a bigger quota. You know right then that this is so not what you want but you don't have control! The funniest part about falling in love with someone is that all of a sudden the small divide between your bastard heart and your poor brain turns into a full blown Civil War with all the powerful ones going the heart’s way while the brain has nothing left except pull the “thinking card”. The brain becomes the veritable Tony Stark seeing his close allies, the five senses, side with the heart's Captain America (*cough**Hydr...